The Roots, 2023
steel and concrete

While the roots of prairie species are not as dramatic as the massive roots of an oak or cypress, they are essential elements in prairie ecosystems. Compared to the above-ground part of the plant, root systems can be surprisingly large, with extensive networks burrowing 15 feet below the surface. Purple Coneflower (Echinaceae sp.), Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium), and Yucca (Yucca sp.) are depicted in The Roots. Little Bluestem’s mat of filigreed fibers is contrasted next to the Yucca’s stout tap root. The Coneflower has adapted an approach somewhere between the two. These steel-cut roots demonstrate plants’ differing adaptations for coping with limited water, nutrient resources, and inclement weather.

One of three installations by Bridge Projects at The Ditch Water Discovery Center in Stephenville, Texas; a park designed to interpret the importance of water conservation in north-central Texas.

Project Management
